Who We Are

The Calderdale Flood Recovery and Resilience Programme has been in place since 2012 with the aim of reducing the impact of flooding in Calderdale and working with local communities to build resilience against future events.

The Programme

The delivery of the programme is overseen by a Programme Board, which is chaired by the Calderdale Council Leader. Other members from the Council include local Councillors, the Calderdale Council Chief Executive and the two MPs for the Borough.

The Programme Board oversee the delivery of the Calderdale Flood Action Plan. The plan sets out the actions that are needed to help the area to recover from the floods, improve resilience and reduce the risk of future flooding.

Working in partnership

Delivering the Calderdale Flood Action Plan needs a true partnership approach, which is why the Board also includes representatives from a range of partner organisations, including:

  • Environment Agency
  • Canal and River Trust
  • Local flood groups
  • Yorkshire Water
  • Network Rail
  • Voluntary sector organisations

The meeting is open to the public, and agendas and reports for previous and forthcoming meetings can be found on the Council website.

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