Damp living conditions and mould can make otherwise healthy people unwell, but this can be much worse for people with immunosuppression and those with long term respiratory conditions, like asthma. It is advisable for such people to stay away from areas that are affected.
For more advice on cleaning up flooded premises safely Public Health England and the Environment Agency have also issued the following guidance: Flooding: health guidance and advice.
If you need to get in touch with Calderdale Council’s adult social care team please call 01422 393000 between 8.45am and 5.30pm Monday – Thursday, and 8.45am to 5.00pm on Fridays.
Outside these times, if there is an emergency, please call the Emergency Duty Team on 01422 288000.
What emotional support is available in Calderdale?
Distress is a common reaction for people following a flood. However, this is usually temporary, and most people cope with being flooded despite being distressed by it. If symptoms persist, there are some local services that can help:
- Your GP.
- VitaMinds is a self-referral service offering psychological support for adults registered with a Calderdale GP.
- South West Yorkshire Partnership Trust IAPT is a self-referral service offering psychological therapies for adults registered with a Calderdale GP.
- Healthy Minds runs several peer-led wellbeing groups.
There are also some national services:
- Samaritans, phone: 116123
- Mind information line:
- phone: 0300 123 3393
- email: info@mind.org.uk