Brighouse Flood Alleviation Scheme

The Environment Agency is working in partnership with Calderdale Council to develop a Flood Alleviation Scheme for Brighouse.

Drone footage of construction progress - August 2024
About the scheme

The scheme includes:

  • Upstream storage in Whinney Hill Park and Wellholme Park
  • The replacement or repair of existing defences along the River Calder
  • Widening the channels to help prevent Clifton Beck and River Calder from overflowing

As well as reducing the risk of flooding to homes and businesses, the scheme will also deliver environmental benefits along the Clifton Beck Catchment by creating and enhancing natural habitats and by supporting Natural Flood Management measures.

An initial map of the extent of the scheme can be seen in the image. This should be used as a guide only.

A leaflet explaining more information about the scheme can be viewed by clicking here.

Below: Artists impression of completed Whinney Hill Park

Artist impression of Whinney Hill park after the flood alleviation scheme is complete

Below: Artists impression of completed Wellholme Park


Wellholme park in Brighouse.
Latest information

September 24 - Information Bulletin No.3
July 24 - Information Bulletin No.2 - click here to view scheme progress
March 24 - Information Bulletin No.1 

January 24 - Construction work in Wellholme Park is due to commence this March 24, which will mean that a large proportion of the park will be closed to the publicWhinney Hill Park will also be closed when construction starts in this area in the summerThe work will take approximately two years to complete.   Please view the Keeping You Informed document in the link below for more information.

Keeping You Informed - Wellholme Park Closure
Keeping You Informed - drop-in 25th January and Tree Work
FAQs - Tree Removal

A community drop was held on Thursday 25th January 2024 at the Brighouse Central Methodist Centre.  This was an opportunity to meet the project team and ask any questions about the work ahead.

November 23 - Keeping You Informed - November 2023 - Trial Hole work in Wellholme Park & Whinney Hill Park

April 23 - Preparation work for the Brighouse FAS will shortly be taking place along the north bank of the river near Huntington Road to remove some existing tree stumps/fencing in the area and re-build parts of the bank.  The work is due to commence w/c 24th April and last for approximately 10-14 weeks.   We will endeavour to keep any disturbance from these activities to a minimum and any businesses affected by the work have been contacted directly.  If you have any questions about our work in this area, please contact

Brighouse drop in event. A lady engineer points out flood alleviation scheme work on a map.
Public Consultation Event - March 2022

The Environment Agency held a public information event at the Brighouse Central Methodist Church on 9th March 2022.  The event provided an opportunity for the local community to find out more about the scheme and speak to the project team.

The documents we shared are shown below:

Overview of Works

Landscape Connectivity Plan

Wellholme Park Design Concept

Whinney Park Design Concept


Brighouse flood alleviation scheme interpretation board
Past flood incidents

In recent years, businesses and the local community have been impacted by devastating flood incidents which have severely affected the local economy.

The flooding also badly impacted local infrastructure, making the main route to the M62 and the roads to Elland, Huddersfield, and Bradford impassable. Large parts of the flood defences along the River Calder throughout Brighouse were damaged.


The scheme for Brighouse will better protect local businesses from the risk of river flooding and support plans for regeneration and new housing.

Due to the economic benefits of the scheme, the project team are working with a number of partners to secure funding. These include:

  • West Yorkshire Combined Authority
  • Yorkshire Regional Flood and Coastal Committee
  • Highways England
  • European Structural and Investment Funds
  • Local businesses

The Environment Agency and Calderdale Council have also been successful in securing additional funding from the government to deliver flood risk alleviation schemes across Calderdale.

For any enquiries please email:

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