Power Cuts

Firstly, take some time to think about the impact that a short, medium or long-term power cut could have on your home or business. Next, take the risks you’ve identified and make a plan for how you would respond to minimise the impact.

Flood bag prepared.

Ensuring you’re electrically prepared

Here are some simple steps you can take:

  1. Sign Up for Priority Service Registers: Visit thepsr.co.uk to find out if you’re eligible to sign up for your gas, energy, or water provider’s Priority Service Registers. By doing so, you can let your supplier know that you need additional support, especially during interruptions to your supply.
  2. Create an Emergency Kit:
    • Prepare a bag containing essential emergency contact details.
    • Pack useful items like spare phone batteries, backup power sources (such as wind-up or battery-operated torches), and lamps.
    • Keep these items in one place in your home - ideally somewhere easy to find if the lights aren’t working.
  3. Consider Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) Devices:
    • Purchase a UPS device to provide a few minutes of emergency backup during power cuts.
    • These devices protect computers, wireless networks, and larger equipment like servers and data centres.
  4. Explore Backup Generators:
    • Consider buying or renting a backup generator.
    • Ensure proper installation by a qualified electrician and regular testing.
  5. Protect Your Computers and Tablets:
    • Save your work and back up to an external drive regularly.
    • Enable auto-save on your software if available.
    • If Wi-Fi is unavailable due to a power outage, use your smartphone’s hotspot or get an internet dongle from your network provider to continue working.
  6. Telephone Systems:
    • Most telephones use “line current” and will operate during a power cut.
    • Check if your mains-plugged telephone has backup batteries to ensure it works without power.
    • For businesses, telephone switchboards may shut down or divert calls during power cuts—check with your system supplier.
  7. Address Flooding Risks:
    • If you live or work in a flood-prone area and your meter is below potential flood levels, notify your electricity distribution network operator.
    • Elevate appliances to prevent damage during floods.
  8. Security Shutters:
    • Mains-operated security shutters may not work during power cuts.
    • Check if your shutters have a manual override system or battery backup.
  9. Lifts:
    • Electrically operated lifts will stop during power cuts.
    • Ensure there’s someone on-site trained to manually operate lifts in case of unexpected electricity outages

Black flashlight isolated on white background

What to do if there’s an unplanned power cut

In case of a power cut, first check if it's only affecting your property or if neighbouring houses or businesses are also affected. If they still have power, the issue could be with your equipment.

If it's safe to do so, check if there are any lights visible on your electricity meter. If the lights are flashing, it means that electricity is coming into your premises.

Check your fuse box. Turn off the mains power using the main trip switch and then all the smaller trip switches. Next, turn the mains power back on followed by the smaller switches one at a time. If one of the smaller switches refuses to stay in the upright position and continues to trip, this usually indicates a problem somewhere in your building.

If there’s still no power, you can report or get updates about a power cut by visiting northernpowergrid.com on your smart phone or calling 105.

A community warden and a Northern Powergrid representative checking in on residence during a storm.

Flood Safety and Electricity: What You Need to Know


    If your property has been flooded, it’s crucial to prioritise safety when dealing with electrical equipment. Follow these guidelines:

    • Do Not Touch Electrical Appliances in Floodwater: If you encounter electrical appliances, cables, or equipment submerged in floodwater, do not touch them. Water and electricity are a dangerous combination, and touching wet electrical items can lead to electric shock.
    • Turn Off Your Electricity Supply (if safe): If water is about to enter your property, consider turning off your electricity supply. Locate your isolator switch or fuse box and switch off the power. However, only do this if it’s safe to access the switch or box. If you’re unsure, prioritize your safety and wait for professional assistance.


    Northern Powergrid is responsible for the electricity distribution network in Yorkshire. Here’s how they can assist you:

    • Report Power Cuts: Call 105, Northern Powergrid’s free number, to report a power cut. Whether it’s a planned outage or an unexpected disruption, they’ll provide real-time updates on the situation.
    • Online Power Cut Map: Visit Power Cuts Home | Northern Powergrid to find out if there’s a power cut in your area. You can track progress and get estimated restoration times.
    • Customer Support: Northern Powergrid offers 24/7 customer support via Facebook and X (@NorthPowergrid). Reach out to them for assistance or updates.
    • Confirmation Letter for Insurers: If your contents or property suffer damage due to a power cut, Northern Powergrid’s customer care team can provide a letter confirming the details. You can pass this letter to your insurers.

    Remember, safety comes first. If you’re unsure about any electrical situation during flooding, seek professional help. Customer Service | Northern Powergrid is there to support you and keep your electricity supply reliable.

  • Online power cut map providing real time updates about power cuts. Whether planned or unplanned, you’ll be able to locate your power cut, find out what’s happened and when your power is due back on. You can also report a power cut.
  • 24/7 customer support on Facebook and Twitter (@NorthPowergrid).
  • Guidance videos to help you check your property if there’s a power cut.
  • Northern Powergrid’s customer care team can provide a letter confirming the details of the power cut for you to pass on to your insurers in case of damage to your contents or property.
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