The Priority NFM Action Grant Scheme

Find more information about the Natural Flood Management (NFM) priorities for this round of grants below.

Please submit all applications by Thursday 1st August 2024.


Norland Moor on a cloudy day. The sun is breaking through the clouds and the heather is a bright pink colour.

The Calderdale Flood Action Plan outlines our strategy to recover from past floods, reduce the impact of flooding, and enhance resilience for future events. It focuses on four critical areas:

  1. Strengthening Defences:
    • This involves projects and schemes aimed at reducing flooding from rivers and surface water.
  2. Natural Flood Management (NFM):
    • NFM focuses on managing the landscape to slow down water flow, mitigating flood risks.
  3. Resilient Infrastructure:
    • This involves strengthening critical infrastructure, including sewer systems, electricity substations, and transport routes.
  4. Community Resilience:
    • Collaborating with the community to prepare for and recover from flooding incidents.

Each area is overseen by an operational group.

Calder catchment

Priority Actions for NFM Grants:

The Priority NFM Actions Grant Scheme funds projects that progress actions within the NFM key area. The NFM operational group have selected their priorities for this round of grants:

  1. Action Number NFM 36: Urban NFM Planning
    • Focus: Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs), surface water removal from sewers, and development of blue and green infrastructure.
  2. Actions Numbers NFM 3 and NFM 4: Delivering NFM Measures
    • Implementation of NFM strategies to manage flood risks effectively.
  3. Action Number NFM 10: Enhancing Moorland Habitats
    • Goal: Boost resilience in upper catchment areas against climate change and wildfire risks.
  4. Actions Numbers NFM 7 & NFM 8: Landowner Engagement
    • Engaging landowners to participate in flood management efforts.
  5. Actions Numbers NFM 13 & NFM 16: Monitoring Impact
    • Monitoring the effectiveness of NFM actions.
Copley Valley on a sunny day with blue skies and Wainhouse Tower in the background.

Please consider viewing the Calderdale Flood Action Plan’s NFM action page to inform your application.

Request an application form by emailing [email protected].

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