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Scroll down for information about the scheme.

Stubbing Holme Road Flood Alleviation Scheme

The Stubbing Holme Road scheme aims to better protect 33 properties.

About the scheme

Additional government funding announced in 2019 for the Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme has meant that the Environment Agency has been able to revisit designs for the Stubbing Holme Road area, which had previously been put on hold.

The Stubbing Holme Road Flood Alleviation Scheme is being developed as a separate project from the main Hebden Bridge Flood Alleviation Scheme.

Stubbing Holme Road is at risk from flooding from the River Calder and Rochdale Canal. It is located upstream of Hebden Bridge on the River Calder and includes a tributary, Colden Clough, which meets the Calder at a confluence by the Longstaff Court cul-de-sac.

The plans for the scheme include:

  • Raising and strengthening river walls along Stubbing Holme Road between Holme Road Bridge and the footbridge at the River Calder/Colden Clough confluence.
  • Strengthening and installing walls along Rochdale canal.
  • Property Flood Resilience measures to some riverside properties.


Eye on Calderdale clouds and raindrops.
Latest information

Click below for the latest update provided to the Key Stakeholder Group.

December 24 - Update
Current Project Timescales

August 2023 - Vegetation Clearance Work


Working with the community

The Environment Agency regularly holds meetings with partners, local councillors and community representatives to provide them with updates on progress of the scheme. A key stakeholder group has been set up - a list of represented groups can be found here.

As details of the design of the scheme develop there will be further consultations with people who are affected to discuss proposals.

If you have any questions regarding any of the planned work in this area, please email: [email protected]

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