Natural Flood Management Actions

Our Natural Flood Management (NFM) actions focus on managing the landscape to slow down the flow of water, reducing the risk of flooding. By implementing techniques such as reforestation, wetland restoration, and the creation of natural barriers, we enhance the environment’s ability to absorb and manage water. Discover how our NFM initiatives are making a significant impact.


Man looks at flood alleviation scheme plans at the Brighouse drop in event.

To explore more of the Flood Action Plan, visit our pages on Strengthening Defence Actions, Resilient Infrastructure Actions, and Community Resilience Actions to see how we are building a safer and more resilient Calderdale.

A close-up image of scattered logs and branches. The ground appears muddy in forested area. The volunteers in the background are out of focus. The focus is on the natural textures.

Natural Flood Management

This theme focuses on managing the landscape to slow water flow through strategies such as temporarily storing water, planting trees, and changing how farmland and moorland are managed.

More than 120 sites in the borough have already been used for NFM since 2016, involving more than ten delivery partners, hundreds of volunteers, and multiple funding streams.

A Slow the Flow volunteer wearing a high-visibility vest holding a branch.

Key Achievements


Collated and Evaluated Land Management and Flooding Connections:

  • Gathered and assessed information on the relationship between land management and flooding, specifically focusing on the Calder catchment. This has informed strategic priorities for NFM and increased understanding of the link between the two.

Coordinated Production of Natural Flood Management Opportunity Maps:

  • Developed maps highlighting areas where flooding risks could be reduced using NFM techniques. This showcases multiple benefits to people and the environment.

Completed Wetland Habitat and Wet Woodland Creation:

  • Established wetland habitat and wet woodland at Brearley Fields, Mytholmroyd. This project was also linked to an environmental education programme.

Ongoing Projects for Flood Water Management:

  • Implemented plate weirs, woody debris, and leaky dams at sites within and adjacent to Crimsworth Dean Beck, Hardcastle Craggs, and Hebden Water. This aims to reduce flood water levels and flood peaks.

Landowner Grant Scheme:

  • Over 120 sites in the borough have been used for NFM. This has resulted in the planting of over 159,000 trees and the installation of 1,600 leaky dams.

Ongoing Actions

Action Number: NFM1

Review funding strategy for the Calderdale Natural Flood Management programme to reflect how we scale up NFM, and use of Atkins modelling across catchment. Develop a wider understanding of opportunities that are available through the Leeds City Region Green Infrastructure Investment Plan and other local, regional and national funding strategies.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Calderdale Council and the Natural Flood Management Operational Group

Action Number: NFM2

Complete tree planting to meet the tree canopy target for Calderdale of more than 6700ha by 2050 - in line with the Calderdale White Rose Forest action plan.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - White Rose Forest, Forus Trees, National Trust and Yorkshire Water

Action Number: NFM3

Work to address soil erosion and landslide stabilisation in the Upper Calder Catchment: Treating landslips with fascines; Removing Himalayan balsam; Removing/thinning shallow-rooted beech trees to encourage woodland growth.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Support - National Trust, Forus Tree and Calder & Colne Rivers Trust

Action Number: NFM4

Deliver physical NFM interventions to slow the flow and contribute to reducing downstream flood risk in high priority sub-catchments, particularly at Hebden Water, Walsden, Calder from Source, and Cragg Vale. Develop demonstration sites at multiple locations including Hardcastle Craggs and Gorpley.

Lead - Calderdale Natural Flood Management Operations Group

Supported by - Calderdale Council, Calder and Colne Rivers Trust, Forus Trees, Environment Agency, Slow the Flow and National Trust

Action Number: NFM5

Develop new initiatives for sustainable control and management of invasive species (follow up to action 81).

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Calder INNS Sub-Group: Environment Agency, Calder Future and River Stewardship Company

Action Number: NFM6

List natural flood management structures on an asset register and produce a natural flood management asset map of the catchment (links to action NFM3).

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Environment Agency and Slow the Flow

Action Number: NFM7

Review the plan to coordinate the engagement of landowners and land managers, (across the Calderdale Flood Partnership), to support landowners and land managers in identifying and implementing a range of natural flood management measures and publicise the extent of engagement.

Lead - Calder & Colne Rivers Trust

Supported by - Calderdale Council, Moors for the Future, National Trust, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Forus Tree, Slow the Flow, Natural England and Environment Agency

Action Number: NFM8

Encourage more farmers across the Calder catchment to carry out and maintain Natural Flood Management, utilising SFI, Countryside Stewardship Plus, Calderdale landowner grant scheme and other incentives as available.

Lead - Calder & Colne Rivers Trust

Supported by - Natural England, landowners, Environment Agency and Calderdale Council

Action Number: NFM9

Seek funding for and implement a prioritised programme of ecological surveys in target NFM catchments.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: NFM10

Enhance the resilience of moorland habitats in the upper catchment against future risks such as climate change and wildfires – considering the likelihood and severity of the risks, protecting all associated outcomes, NFM, clean water provision and storage, carbon capture, biodiversity, local economy and community. Action will utilise the AMP8 Programme as a major building block of business development matching this to other relevant funds.

Lead – Moors for The Future Partnership

Supported by - Calderdale Council, Environment Agency, National Trust, Yorkshire Water and landowning stakeholders

Action Number: NFM11

Model the risk of rural highway flooding and resulting impacts. Identify ways of using NFM solutions, where practical, for critical flood risk areas (rural highways).

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: NFM12

To assist with providing evidence for NFM interventions, install river level monitoring sensors to enable river flows to be measured at a local scale.

Lead – Slow the Flow

Supported by – Calderdale Council and Environment Agency

Action Number: NFM13

Review of revised Clough Woodland Project Guiding Principles to support the following activities across the South Pennine Moors National Character Area: (1) Appropriate (careful and considered) design of landscape scale native broadleaved (clough) woodland creation schemes. (2) Gaining consent from Natural England under the Habitat Regulations, to ensure woodland creation does not have a detrimental impact on the interest features of designated/protected areas.

Lead – Natural England

Supported by - National Trust, Moors for the Future, White Rose Forest and Calderdale Council

Business as Usual Actions

Action Number: NFM14

Promotion of monitoring guidance on an annual basis; make guidance available on Eye on Calderdale.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Support - Environment Agency, and iCASP

Action Number: NFM15

Collate and analyse NFM monitoring data collected through various modelling and partner projects. Identify effective NFM interventions and gaps in data monitoring.

Lead - Environment Agency

Supported by - Calderdale Council, National Trust, Calder and Colne Rivers Trust

Action Number: NFM16

Carry out modelling where required, to identify communities and properties where natural flood management measures could potentially reduce the risk of flooding.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Calderdale Council and iCASP

Action Number: MFM17

Set up an open source to encourage partners to share NFM data and reports.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Completed Actions

Action Number: NFM18

Collate and evaluate what is known about the connections between land management and flooding in general, and specifically in relation to the Calder catchment, including a gap analysis to advise further research where appropriate, to help inform strategic priorities for natural flood management and ensure affected communities can better understand that relationship.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - iCASP and Environment Agency

Action Number: NFM19

Coordinate the production of NFM opportunity maps to show places where the risk of flooding could potentially be reduced through NFM techniques, and multiple benefits to people and the environment realised.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Calderdale Council and iCASP

Action Number: NFM20

Investigate/model the impacts of boundary features to manage water flow pathways and attenuating flows to identify and understand any opportunities to reduce flood risk. Specifically looking at blocking features in water channels; hedges/walls/gates on the land.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - iCASP and Calderdale Council

Action Number: NFM21

Research the connection between NFM measures delivering overland flow interception on steep slopes and landslides.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Environment Agency and iCASP

Action Number: NFM22

Share learning from the developing DEFRA England Peat Strategy and current national moorland pilots to improve understanding of baseline function and input to the development of a new programme of Pennine moorland restoration post 2020. Investigate opportunities to produce a summary report on the current condition of Calderdale moorland.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Moors for the Future

Action Number: NFM23

Complete tree planting at Hardcastle Craggs and plant 50,000 trees in the Upper Calder catchment by the end of 2018.

Lead - Treesponsibility

Supported by - Woodland Trust, Whiterose Forest, and Moors for the Future

Action Number: NFM24

Scope a clough woodland project to increase the extent of woodland at Hardcastle Crags to several Yorkshire Water sites in the Calder Valley. To be achieved by working with a range of partner organisations and private landowners.

Lead – National Trust

Supported by - Woodland Trust, Treesponsibility, Whiterose Forest, Yorkshire Water, South Pennines Facilitation Group, and Pennine Prospects

Action Number: NFM25

Carry out a project to create plate weirs, woody debris and leaky dams on sites within and adjacent to Crimsworth Dean Beck, Hardcastle Craggs and Hebden Water to reduce flood water and flood peaks.

Lead – National Trust

Supported by - Slow the Flow, Natural England, Environment Agency, Calderdale Council, Yorkshire Water and various private landowners

Action Number: NFM26

Investigate how heather cutting, as a preferred management technique, could be introduced into future land management agreements. Produce clear guidance for partners based on best practices.

Lead – Natural England

Action Number: NFM27

Through the support of MoorLIFE 2020, identify priority blanket bog restoration areas and appropriate techniques within the South Pennine Moors Special Area of Conservation, located in the Upper Calder Valley.

Lead – Moors of the Future

Supported by - Pennine Prospects, Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, Natural England, Environment Agency, Yorkshire Water, Moorland Association and National Trust

Action Number: NFM28

Improve Clifton Beck as part of the Clifton Beck Diffuse Pollution Project which will also reduce the risk of flooding by creating buffer zone strips, planting trees and planting on river banks, restricting livestock access to the beck and removing invasive non-native plants.

Lead – Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Support - Environment Agency, Calder & Colne Rivers Trust, Riverfly and landowners

Action Number: NFM29

Create wetland habitat and wet woodland, linked to environmental education work at Brearley Fields, Mytholmroyd.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Canal and Rivers Trust, Environment Agency, Calder & Colne Rivers Trust and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Action Number: NFM30

The Calderdale Catchment plan will draw from the research projects into the learning identified across the 4 Pioneer projects. These should identify insights in terms of working with natural capital and partnership working, recognising the value of the environment across the health and economy agendas and helping to achieve environmental outcomes for local communities through broader collaboration.

Lead – Environment Agency

Action Number: NFM31

Work with landowners to progressively review the three existing burning consents and agreements as part of the consideration for the long-term management requirements for the restoration of the blanket bog.

Lead – Natural England

Supported by - Yorkshire Water and private landowners

New Actions

Action Number: NFM32

Determine the next steps for the use of NFM modelling and mapping work done to date.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by – Natural Flood Management Operations Group, Calderdale Council and iCASP

Action Number: NFM33

Build capacity to deliver NFM, including securing finances, scaling up delivery, project management, design, contractor capacity and maintenance.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Natural Flood Management Operations Group and Calderdale Council

Action Number: NFM34

Engage with the public (walkers, volunteers, flood wardens) to assist with the observation of existing NFM and suggest potential locations of new NFM measures.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - organisations to be confirmed – Calder Rivers Trust and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

Action Number: NFM35

Plan for sustainable drainage (SuDs), removal of surface water from sewers, development of blue and green infrastructure. Connect with the Yorkshire Water storm overflow programme.

Lead – Yorkshire Water

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