Stopping the spread
One of the key issues with invasive species is how quickly they can spread. This is often done unintentionally by people through their clothing, shoes and equipment.
We can all help stop the spread by being aware of invasives in our gardens and when we are out and about – walking, running, fishing, climbing, swimming or doing anything in the natural environment.
Be plant wise
This campaign helps us all to protect the environment while enjoying our gardens and land. Learn how to choose the right plants for your garden, pond and water features and dispose of your unwanted plants responsibly.
Check, Clean, Dry
Whenever you’re out in the countryside, remember to Check, Clean, Dry to help stop the spread of invasive plants and animals on land and in water:
- Check your clothing and any equipment, such as walking sticks and fishing rods, for live organisms and plant material including seeds or broken bits of plant. If you do come across anything it is important that you leave it where you found it.
- Clean and wash all equipment, footwear and clothing thoroughly, paying particular attention to areas that have been in contact with water or mud, such as the soles of shoes.
- Dry all equipment and clothing - some species can live for many days in moist conditions. Make sure you don't transfer water elsewhere.
This video from Yorkshire Water and Yorkshire Wildlife Trust gives more information on the invasives problem in Yorkshire and how to affectively check, clean, dry your footwear to stop the spread.
Useful resources
If you take part in recreational activities on our watercourses, you might find the following specialist training and resources useful: