Driving Through Floodwaters

It is extremely important that you never drive through flood water because you won’t know the depth of the water, and you won’t know the condition of the road underneath the water.

Breakdown company rescuing a car submerged in flood water.

Don’t drive through floodwater

Driving through flood water can be dangerous for you and your passengers, as it's not always clear how deep the water is. Additionally, driving fast through flood water can impact nearby properties and people, potentially causing flooding to homes.

Did you know?

  • Driving through floodwater is the number one cause of death during flooding.
  • Just 30cm of moving water can float an average family-sized car – even less for smaller cars.
  • Just an egg cup of water in a combustion engine can break it.
  • Mud, silt, and sand can increase the risk of losing control.

If you see surface water, slow down. If you're unsure of the water's depth, do not attempt to drive through it. Your caution can help protect homes and keep everyone safe.

Rain on a window.

If flooding occurs:

  • Move to higher ground immediately and stay away from flood-prone areas.
  • Do not allow children to play near high water, storm drains or ditches. Remember: hidden dangers, such as open drains and maintenance holes, often lie beneath the water. Never drive on a flooded road.
  • Be especially cautious at night when it is harder to recognise flood dangers.

Useful information on safe driving in floods and heavy rain and be found on the AA's website.

Be warned: you could face a heavy fine and 3-9 points on your licence if the police believe you were driving without reasonable consideration for other road users.
Driving in heavy rainfall.

Driving fast through standing water is:

  • Dangerous - tyres will lose contact with the road and you will lose control of your vehicle’s steering. This is known as 'aquaplaning'. If you do experience aquaplaning, hold the steering wheel lightly and lift off the accelerator until the tyres regain grip.
  • Inconsiderate - driving through water at speeds above a slow crawl throws water onto pavements, soaking pedestrians, or cyclists. It could also cause a wave of water that can flow over kerbs, walls, and flood defences, causing major flood damage to buildings and property.
  • Expensive - the air intake on many cars is positioned low down at the front of the engine bay, and it only takes a small quantity of water sucked into the engine to cause serious damage. All engines are affected but turbo-charged and diesel engines are most at risk.
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