Copley Flood Alleviation Scheme

Flooding at Copley occurs due to overtopping of the embankment on the left bank of the River Calder. Water also seeps through the railway embankment from the cricket field (this is an informal flood storage area) and some flooding can occur from the canal overtopping.

Copley Village has a history of flooding, with the most severe incidents occurring on Boxing Day 2015, June 2012 and January 2008. During the flooding in 2015, Copley Bridge, which connects the main village with St. Stephen's Church, was severely damaged and had to be demolished and rebuilt.

Over the past few years we have carried out a number of temporary repairs to the embankment, whilst we have been developing a project to better protect the village against future flood risk.

The work in Copley involves improvements to the existing flood embankment that surrounds the village, work at the cricket pitch to speed up the rate of drainage and also solutions to manage and reduce surface water risk. The main construction work has now commenced.  Some scheme progress photos can be viewed here.

Current Planned Sequence of Works - July 24

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Information Bulletin No.5 - February 25
nformation Bulletin No.4

Information Bulletin No.3
Information Bulletin No.2

July 24

Abnormal Load Collection - Friday 19th July
Thank you to all residents who assisted with the successful delivery of large equipment to the construction site on Friday 21st June by keeping the road free of vehicles.
This equipment is now due to be collected from Old Rishworthian Rugby Club on the evening of Friday 19th July. The transport vehicles will be arriving into the village at approximately 18:00 where the equipment will be loaded. They will depart the village under police escort at 20:00. The timings for the collection of this equipment have been mandated by West Yorkshire Police to minimise disruption to the surrounding roads.

To ensure the collection can take place safely and as smoothly as possible, we would kindly request that residents refrain from parking vehicles on Copley Lane.  Please note that this does include the small parking area next to the canal access point on Copley Lane.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

Saturday working - 20th July
In order to minimise the impact to progress due to recent poor weather, the site team will be working on Saturday 20th July, between 09:00 – 15:00. They will be working along the section of embankment between St Stephen’s Street and Copley Lane.  The work will involve taking deliveries of stone to prepare the embankment behind Lydbrook Park for the next section of piling. This initial preparation work has been impacted by poor weather and unexpected obstructions in the ground from the old Mill. Our Piling Subcontractor has made excellent progress on the section of embankment behind Copley Lane, so by working on Saturday, the team will be able to keep on track with the programme and move on to start piling the Lydbrook Park section towards the end of next week.
We apologise for any inconvenience this work may cause, and we would like to reassure residents that weekend working will be kept as minimal as possible.

Public Drop-In - 17th July

We held a public drop-in on Wednesday 17th July at Old Rishworthian Rugby Club.  Thank you to everyone who came along to meet some of the project team and find out more about the progress to date and work ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) - March 24

The map to the left shows the scheme for Copley.

A public drop-in event was held on Wednesday 4th October 2023 at the Cricket Club, Copley Lane. The drop-in provided an opportunity for the local community to find out more information about the plans for this area and meet the project team. 

Click here to view information shared at the drop-in.

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