Community Resilience

Our Community Resilience actions focus on collaborating with local residents to help them prepare for and recover from flooding. By fostering strong community ties and providing essential resources, we empower individuals to take proactive steps in flood preparedness and recovery.


Hebden Bridge Information Centre

To explore more of the Flood Action Plan, visit our pages on Strengthening Defence Actions, Resilient Infrastructure Actions, and Natural Flood Management Actions to see how we are building a safer and more resilient Calderdale.

Flood wardens

Community Resilience

This includes actions to ensure that people and properties are resilient to floods by preparing ahead of time. Partners have established a network of community flood action groups to share knowledge and work with a number of flood warden volunteers.

The Environment Agency has opened a Flood Information Centre in Hebden Bridge to help keep the community updated with progress to reduce the risk of flooding in the town.

A key message to remember is that resilience starts with the individual, the householder, and the business.

Flood warden

Key Achievements


Volunteer Engagement and Support:

  • Over 60 active flood warden volunteers across the Valley, providing crucial support to partners and communities before, during, and after flood incidents.

Financial Assistance:

  • 1,438 residential grants totalling over £6 million were distributed after the 2015 floods, with 156 more grants totalling over £700,000 following the 2020 floods, aiding recovery and resilience efforts for those affected by flooding.

Communication Strategy:

  • Implementation of an ongoing communications strategy to ensure flooding in the Valley remains a priority. This strategy aims to better prepare those affected for future incidents.

Mental Health Initiatives:

  • Delivery of targeted mental health initiatives in the Upper Valley, specifically addressing the trauma experienced by flood victims.

Case Study Publication:

  • Creation and publication of a portfolio of case studies. These case studies are shared via social media and press releases to promote key messages on flood resilience, resistance works, and behavioural change.


Ongoing Actions

Action Number: CR1

Improve communications with public transport operators to enable them to better plan adjustments to their services and to issue travel warnings.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Environment Agency and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA)

Action Number: CR2

Work with schools across Calderdale to provide evacuation and invacuation training to support school emergency plans.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by – Environment Agency

Business as Usual Actions

Action Number: CR3

Review the resilience and business continuity of essential emergency and community services such as fire, police stations and community facilities, including schools.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Support – Environment Agency and West Yorkshire Local Resilience Forum.

Action Number: CR4

Review business continuity plans on a regular basis, ensuring assets and people are protected and able to function in a flood, including emergency duty teams in place for adult and children’s services and children and older people’s homes.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR5

Work with the Integrated Commissioning Board and Commissioning Plan to ensure that statutory and voluntary organisations have actions in existing plans to support vulnerable people during and after flood events.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Integrated Commissioning Board and Community and Voluntary Sector

Action Number: CR6

Hold an annual flood emergency practice day (scoped with partners) in each area throughout Calderdale to practice flood plans.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Environment Agency, Flood Warden Groups, Yorkshire Water, Community Resilience Operations Group and Community Foundation for Calderdale

Action Number: CR7

Work with nurseries across Calderdale to provide evacuation and invacuation training to support nursery emergency plans.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR8

Work with housing providers of vulnerable residents (Registered Providers) across Calderdale to provide evacuation and invacuation training to support emergency plans.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR9

Ongoing regular communication, training, support and sharing of knowledge and experience across networks of flood wardens and flood groups.

Lead – Community Resilience Operations Group

Supported by – Environment Agency and Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR10

Ongoing volunteer recruitment to attract additional flood warden volunteers to the existing groups and continue support and training for new flood wardens.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by – Community Resilience Operations Group and Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR11

Maintain a database of volunteers willing to offer support and help in response to flood events and ongoing public education and awareness of flooding.

Lead - Calderdale Council

Supported by – Local Resilience Operations Group, Local Resilience Groups and Town Parish Councils.

Action Number: CR12

Ongoing maintenance of community support hub and training and support to volunteers running community hub.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR13

Work with flood groups to produce community flood plans.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Community Resilience Operations Group and Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR14

Continue to support the development and promotion of Watermark for local flood fundraising.

Lead - Community Foundation for Calderdale

Supported by - Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR15

Work with the Health and Wellbeing Board of Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council to plan for the effects of future flooding on people's health.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Yorkshire Water and Environment Agency

Action Number: CR16

Continue to develop the community led web portal ‘Eye on Calderdale', providing up to date information about flooding and resilience across Calderdale, including review of the current website.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by – Environment Agency and Community Resilience Operations Group

Action Number: CR17

Consult with planners and architects on Calderdale Council’s Local Plan for proposed development sites and the Supplementary Planning Document offering guidance on reducing flood risk at new developments.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by – Town and Country Planning Association, Environment Agency and Yorkshire Water

Action Number: CR18

Signpost homeowners who are renovating or constructing new property to advice on flood resilience and resistance works to minimise the impact of future floods. This will include information on any financial assistance, when it is available.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by – Environment Agency

Action Number: CR19

The delivery of FloodSave will be to encourage businesses and residents to save monthly for new flood events. Each pound saved is equally matched, savers can access up to £2,000 in flood incidents.

Lead – Community Foundation for Calderdale

Supported by – Calderdale Credit Union

Action Number: CR20

Assess and improve the performance of Environment Agency flood warnings (coverage and triggers) so that people know what to expect earlier and have more time to take effective action.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Community Resilience Operations Group

Action Number: CR21

Investigate improvement of existing flood warning measures by prioritised hydrometry: the network of rain gauges throughout Calderdale, using telemetry, the CCTV network and the Flood Forecasting Centre.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Community Resilience Operations Group and Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR22

Work with partners, charities and local groups to continue to produce a regular newsletter that showcases the actions on flood recovery and updates on flood resilience, as well as news from partners, charities and community groups.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Environment Agency, Canal & River Trust, Yorkshire Water, and Calder Valley Clean-up Team

Action Number: CR23

Provision of skips to support flood clean-ups as and when required.

Lead – Calderdale Council and Flood Hubs

Action Number: CR24

Link willing shops to the local flood hubs so they can be used in the event of a future flood. Work to ensure coverage is robust and explore the provision of other local amenities.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Banks and local businesses, NHS / health emergency planning, adult health and social care team and staying well team

Action Number: CR25

Target schools at high risk to raise awareness of flooding with students and staff to develop knowledge and skills and keep safe during flooding.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Calderdale Council and Community Resilience Operations Group

Action Number: CR26

Review delivery of Calderdale Council actions resulting from the Council S19 report (lead local authority requirement following major flood event) on the winter 2015 floods; future S19 reviews will be incorporated into the learning and Council actions resulting from any other Calderdale floods.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR27

Review and communicate how flood recovery grants were allocated in 2015 to 2016. Consider any policy modifications to promote take up.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Completed Actions

Action Number: CR28

Issue and delivery of work through business resilience grants to be completed; the Business team also makes links through business advice and practices for flood preparation.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR29

Review initiatives carried out under the Joseph Rowntree Foundation Kindliness initiative locally and nationally, identify best practice and what would support community resilience in flooding.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by – Community Resilience Operations Group

Action Number: CR30

Completion of Level 2 work of Strategic Flood Risk Assessments, to inform the Local Plan policies and land allocation.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by – Environment Agency

Action Number: CR31

Ongoing updates to key household information for households at risk of flooding, provided on laminated cards and fridge magnets, as and when contact information changes.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Support - Community Resilience Operations Group, Public Health Infection Prevention and Control Team

Action Number: CR32

Carry out a questionnaire to find out how many properties are still without flood risk insurance cover and promote the Flood Re-insurance scheme to qualifying households.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR33

Establish and implement a communications and marketing plan around preparedness and behaviour change for the three target sectors of owner occupiers, private tenants and private landlords (and letting agents); with a specific focus on improving and updating content for the ‘Eye on Calderdale' website. Messages also required on maintenance, servicing and repair of flood resistance works such as pumps, flood doors, barriers, air vent covers etc.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR34

Develop and maintain a portfolio of case studies from owner occupiers, private landlords and private tenants linking into social media and press releases to communicate key messages around flood resilience, resistance works and behavioural change. Use case studies in comms and marketing campaigns across various channels of the internet, social media, etc.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR35

Agreements being developed with mobile phone companies to enable recruitment of customers to the flood warning system through an opt-out approach.

Lead - Government

Supported by - Community Resilience Operations Group, and mobile phone companies

Action Number: CR36

Work with Google to use Environment Agency data from the Environment Agency flood warning system to enable greater visibility of flood warnings and to alert those at flood risk based on their location. National action.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by – Google

Action Number: CR37

Help communities at high risk of flash flooding install their own methods of monitoring weather and river conditions and triggering alerting systems.

Lead – Support the Flow

Supported by – Community Resilience Operations Group

Action Number: CR38

Support and, where needed, provide training to professional partners, including flood groups, on using social media to raise awareness of the risk of flooding, flood warnings and how to be better prepared for flooding.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR39

Provide more online forecasts, including communicating the probabilities of flooding and flash flooding, measuring river levels and showing forecast river levels up to 36 hours in advance.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by – Community Resilience Operations Group

Action Number: CR40

Investigate how we can integrate risks from groundwater flooding into our existing flood warning service, and help local councils reach those people at risk of flooding from local sources.

Lead – Environment Agency

Supported by - Community Resilience Operations Group and Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR41

Installation of variable message signing at key decision points across Calderdale's major highway network to warn drivers of closures and incidents.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR42

Explore additional ways to communicate information about roads affected by and impassable due to flood water during incidents, such as real‐time mapping.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Action Number: CR43

Delivery of mental health support, information and advice to improve the health and wellbeing of Todmorden residents.

Lead – Healthy Minds

Supported by – Community Foundation for Calderdale

Action Number: CR44

Development and delivery of mental health support, information and advice to improve health, wellbeing and resilience of Calder Valley residents vulnerable to, or affected by flooding.

Lead – Community Foundation for Calderdale

Supported by – Healthy Minds

New Actions

Action Number: CR45

Develop central repository for education materials on Eye on Calderdale, explaining flooding/ climate change, including information on and linking to practical opportunities to engage in NFM.

Lead – Calderdale Council

Supported by - Natural Flood Management Operations Group (NFMOG) and Community Resilience Operations Group (CROG) partners.

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