Storm Babet

20th October 2023 News

Flood Alerts have been issued for the upper and lower River Calder catchments. 

Flooding is possible for: River Calder and its tributaries from Todmorden to Brighouse. If you live in a flood risk area, please be prepared to follow your flood plan if needed.

You can check your flood risk and sign up for free flood warnings at to provide prompt for action in the event of possible flooding.

With more heavy rain forecast, please check flood resilience products such as flood doors, pumps and non-return valves to ensure that they are in good working order and make sure you know how to operate them.

Teams are out clearing trash screens and drainage infrastructure, and we have additional staff on standby who will be ready to respond if necessary. However, during heavy downpours and leaf fall season drains may be overwhelmed regardless of their condition. Please take extra care when travelling.

How you can help:

Whether you flood or not, you could help stop any unnecessary water from entering the drains during times of heavy rainfall. We can all help by:

◦ keeping water in taps rather than allowing them to drip

◦ avoid using the shower or bath if possible

◦ wait until the heavy rain has eased before using the washing machine and dishwasher

Doing these simple actions will help our drains cope better with excess rainwater. Thank you for your kindness.


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