We want your views on property flood resilience

3rd December 2021 News

If you live, work or operate in Yorkshire we need your help with evaluating Yorkshire Flood Resilience – one of three Pathfinder Projects in the country funded by the Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.

The Yorkshire Pathfinder project started in November 2019 led by the City of York Council, in partnership with JBA Consulting and many other organisations and formed part of the Government’s plan to create a nation resilient to climate change by helping communities to understand and manage their flood risk.

Finishing at the end of September 2021, the project focused on identifying what barriers exist to the uptake of property flood resilience (PFR), raised awareness of the benefits and levels of take-up of PFR, and developed tools and undertook an awareness campaign to help individuals, businesses and communities to understand their flood risk.

Now the iCASP is working with JBA to conduct a survey to determine whether the project has been a success and find out views from a wide range of people on PFR.

Please help use by completing the survey yourself, sharing it with your family and friends and your contacts in your organisations.

Through this evaluation, the impact of change and any useful insights will be shared with Defra, the Environment Agency and local authorities across the country. This will help shape future work to support the Environment Agency’s Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy’s ambition to mainstream PFR and help encourage wider take-up of PFR measures by property owners at risk of flooding.

Many useful online resources have been created to explain in simple terms what property flood resilience is, how it works and what the benefits are. These include real life case studies featuring home and business owners from across Yorkshire; a fun but educational game for children; downloadable information packs for homeowners and businesses; and a series of online introductory training modules.



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