Newsletter: November flood update

6th November 2023 News

Our November flood update is now out, marking seven years since the launch of the Calderdale Flood Action Plan.

The Flood Action Plan was created following the floods of Boxing Day 2015. It sets out the actions to support recovery from past floods, reduce the impact of flooding and build resilience for future events. Incredible progress has been made since the creation of the plan. Highlights include:

  • £133 million secured so far to fund work across the key themes of strengthening defences, natural flood management, resilient infrastructure, and community resilience
  • Significant progress on flood alleviation schemes across the borough. By 2026, seven schemes are forecast to be complete, providing better protection to over 1,390 properties
  • More than 120 sites in the borough used for natural flood management (NFM) since 2016, involving more than 10 delivery partners, hundreds of volunteers and multiple funding streams
  • Opening of a new Flood Information Centre in Hebden Bridge to help keep the community updated with progress to reduce the risk of flooding in the town

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Woman wearing high vis jacket with the words 'Flood Warden' on the back

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