Nature Means Business Online Conference

7th October 2021 News
Working with nature to make your farm business profitable and resilient

About this event

Right now, farm businesses are facing a multitude of challenges: climate change, unpredictable weather patterns, changes to future farm payment schemes and adjusting to new consumer demands. But as research shows, farm businesses can improve resilience by utilising the most powerful asset at their disposal: nature.

When farmers make nature a shareholder in their business by working with it instead of against it, there are real opportunities to become profitable and adaptable in the long term.

This conference, with guest speakers and a live Q&A, will tackle farm business concerns to show where and how this can be achieved. Our workshops will offer practical solutions for adapting your business and will provide actionable insights on working towards the Maximum Sustainable Output (MSO) of your farm, using real-life learnings from farmers who have changed their approach.

Accountants, economists, scientists and other supporting industry professionals will be showing how nature has an impact on both climate change and the ‘bottom line’ of business.


Tuesday, 19th October

Welcome 9:30am – Opening remarks by NFFN’s Martin Lines and Sir Dieter Helm

Session 1 10.30am – 11.15am – Starting Your Nature Means Business Journey

Covering the core principles of nature and its impact on your business.

Guest speakers: Professor Tim Benton and Chris Clark, Nethergill Associates

Session 2 11.30am – 12.30pm – Practical Solutions for Practical People

A panel discussion with farmers who have changed their business to work towards MSO through a maximum sustainable business approach.

Guest speakers: five farmers from across the UK

Session 3 1.15pm – 2.30pm – Accounting for Nature

Showing the difference nature can make to your profitability

Guest speakers: Armstrong Watson (Accountants) and Brian Scanlon, Nethergill Associates

Session 4 2.45pm – 3.45pm – Nature as a Business Partner

Bring your questions to the panel. This session will include references to the new payment schemes being developed across the UK and the role of nature and the environment within these.



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