Invasive Species Week 2024

24th May 2024 News

Did you know that this week is Invasive Species Week? 🌍

Invasive non-native species (INNS) are animals or plants that have been introduced to an area where they don’t naturally occur. These invaders can wreak havoc on local ecosystems, causing harm to native wildlife and even impacting our health.

Here are some simple steps you can take:

1. Check, Clean, Dry: Make sure boats, clothing, footwear, and equipment are free of INNS 🌿

2. Bash the balsam: Himalayan balsam has a very shallow root system, so it can easily be pulled out and then snapped 🌺

3. Report sightings: If you spot INNS, report your sighting 📲

A Giant Hogweed plant in flower Close up of Japanese knotweed flowering Himalayan balsam in flower


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