Brighouse Flood Alleviation Scheme (FAS) Public drop-in – Wednesday 9th March 2022

23rd February 2022 News

As you may be aware, the Environment Agency is working with Calderdale Council to design and construct a flood alleviation scheme for Brighouse.

The scheme will involve:

• Repairing and replacing, where necessary, riverside walls and embankments along the River Calder and Clifton Beck

• Replacing temporary walls installed following December 2015 and February 2020 flood events on Clifton Beck and River Calder

• Improvements to culverted sections of Clifton Beck

• Amendments to river channel and installation of landscaped features in Wellholme Park to manage flows of Clifton Beck

• Installation of landscaped features and environment enhancements in Whinney Hill Park to manage flows of Hoyle House Beck


As well as reducing the risk of flooding to homes and businesses, the scheme will also have environmental benefits along the Clifton Beck catchment by creating and enhancing natural habitats, biodiversity and the connection between rivers and flood plains to improve ecology and supplement Natural Flood Management (NFM) measures installed as part of the scheme.

The main construction work is due to commence later this year and we are shortly due to submit a planning application to Calderdale Council for some elements of the scheme. Ahead of this submission we would like to provide the opportunity for you to find out more information about the overall plans for this area and answer any questions you may have.

A drop-in event will be held on Wednesday 9th March at the Brighouse Central Methodist Church, Commercial Street, Brighouse. Please call in any time between 4pm – 8pm to view the plans and meet the project team. Partners from Calderdale Council will also be attendance at the drop-in event to assist and help to answer any questions.

We are also planning a zoom meeting for anyone who is unable to attend the drop-in, but would like to know more about our plans for Brighouse. The zoom meeting will be held on Wednesday 16th March at 6.30pm. If you would like to attend the zoom meeting, please email us at and we will send you a link to join. The plans will also be made available on after the event and you can email any questions to us at the above address.


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