Half Term at Hardcastle Craggs

14th October 2021 News

A special event will give the public a chance to find out more about our woodlands and natural flood management work in Calderdale.

The National Trust is hosting a special half term event at Hardcastle Craggs to help people learn more about the woodlands and reducing flood risk. The event, which is taking place on the 30th October, will include special guided walks led by National Trust rangers, as well as a chance to talk to partners Slow The Flow and the Environment Agency.

Natural flood management involves working with natural resources to slow the flow of water. At Hardcastle Craggs, the work has focused on creating leaky dams to block gullies and increasing the number of plants growing on the woodland floor, which help soak up rainfall. So far around 630 leaky dams have been created with help from our partners Slow The Flow, a natural flood management charity. The work also helps create more habitats for wildlife, by leaving brash (piles of sticks and leaves) on the woodland floor.

The event starts at 10am on Saturday 30th October next to Gibson Mill. Guided walks will run at 12 noon and 2pm and there is no need to book on. Children are welcome. Dogs on leads. The Weaving Shed Café will be open throughout half term, selling hot drinks, snacks and cakes.

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