Get ready for summer

19th May 2022 News

It’s time to get ready for summer according to the Met Office, as they launch their WeatherReady preparedness campaign to help people make the most of summer weather, come rain or shine.

Partners from across the country, including Calderdale Council, have joined forces to bring together the best advice to help people to get prepared for summer, so they can enjoy the conditions and minimise the impacts of severe weather on themselves, their families, and their homes and businesses.

As part of WeatherReady, expert partners have offered their wisdom on a range of topics, from looking after your health in hot weather, taking the worry out of summer storms by preparing your home, getting prepared for a long car trip, and even advice for planning a camping trip or a trip to the beach.

We are supporting WeatherReady, helping to share advice related to summer weather to keep people informed about how they can minimise the impacts of any severe weather that happens this summer.

You can get more expert partner advice on WeatherReady on the Met Office website.

Server flash flooding running down a small lane towards a bus on the highway.

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