8th October 2021 News

The Council is gearing up to make Calderdale’s voice heard at one of the world’s most significant climate events.

Cllr Scott Patient, Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Resilience, and members of the Council’s Environmental Projects team, are attending COP26 – the 26th annual UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. They will speak up for Calderdale’s amazing partnership work to tackle the climate emergency declared in the borough in 2019, and highlight what’s needed to continue the fight.

From Sunday 31 October to Friday 12 November 2021, COP26 will bring world leaders together to make important decisions on how nations tackle climate change. The UK’s biggest ever summit has been described as a major opportunity for the world to get climate change under control.

Each country will report on how they plan to reduce their carbon emissions, and will agree on a new, ambitious emissions path for the future.

Calderdale Council, in partnership with other organisations, has recently published the Calderdale Emission Reduction Pathways report, which sets out the local approach to becoming a zero-carbon place.

The report is being used to develop a Climate Action Plan, with work focused on buildings, technology, transport, land use, biodiversity, the carbon impact of food, and actions that communities can take.

This will build on the key achievements that Calderdale has made since the climate emergency declaration. The borough is on track to achieve its ambition of net zero emissions by 2038 (with significant progress by 2030), which is above and beyond the national target and was recently recommended by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) across the UK.

Much more has also been achieved – find out about Calderdale’s response to the climate emergency at


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