Communities Have Role to Play on Climate Change Too Says Leading Flood Charity

21st October 2021 News

This season’s planned woodland management works at Hardcastle Crags is underway, with tree felling taking place in parts of the woods to help reduce flood risk. The work, which is part of the National Trust’s ten-year plan, aims to slow the flow of water, improve wildlife habitats and fight climate change. Felling some trees allows more light to reach the woodland floor, which encourages more plants to grow. Some of the trees will also be used to build leaky dams.

The work will mean that the main track will be closed at Hardcastle Crags from the 8th – 12th and the 15th – 19th of November.

National Trust Countryside Manager, Rose Holdsworth, said, “The work we’re doing will improve our woodland’s resilience to disease and climate change and will also help us to slow the flow of water. The track closures are for public safety during the felling, so please do check if you’re planning to visit Hardcastle Crags during November.”

Vehicles, prams and wheelchairs will not be able to access Gibson Mill during this time. Footpath diversions will be over steep or challenging sections. Please check National Trust social media for more details.

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