Brightening Up Wellholme Park

6th June 2024 News

School children and local organisations are adding a splash of colour to the flood alleviation scheme fencing around Wellholme Park! 🌈

The Environment Agency is collaborating with Calderdale Council to create a Flood Alleviation Scheme for Brighouse. While a significant portion of the park remains closed to the public, there are plenty of other outdoor spaces to explore in Calderdale. From nature reserves to parks, play areas, and outdoor gyms, there’s something for everyone! Visit: Parks and open spaces | Calderdale Council.

A colourful mural painted on an outdoor wall. The mural features a tree with a brown trunk and green leaves made from handprints. To the right, there’s a depiction of a bright yellow sun with rays and a smiling face, alongside blue clouds and raindrops. Below is green grass with flowers, one of which is being watered by a watering can. On the left side, there’s an image of a fish, next to a vibrant rainbow arching over the grass. A mix of painting pots, including red, blue, purple, green, black, pink and yellow. A colourful mural painted on an outdoor fence at the Brighouse Flood Alleviation Scheme. The mural features a tree with a blue trunk and a green heart. The sky in the background is partly cloudy.

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