Be Flood Smart

25th May 2023 News

Flood Re, the joint initiative between the UK government and the insurance industry, has launched the ‘Be Flood Smart’ campaign in partnership with the Environment Agency. Encouraging households to adapt their homes with Property Flood Resilience measures.

The campaign ‘Be Flood Smart’ launched at the new Be Flood Ready Property Flood Resilience (PFR) Centre, located in Oxfordshire. The centre is a dedicated Property Flood Resilience demonstration facility.

Flood Resilience measures reduce the risk of flood damage to homes. It also speeds up repair work, and helps people move back into their properties quicker after a flood. Works can include raising electrical sockets and white goods away from floor level, installing self-closing air bricks and flood resistant doors as well as replacing flooring with waterproof tiling and grout.

Property Flood Resilience is a way of managing the effects of flooding from rivers, and surface water. It works alongside traditional engineered defences and natural flood management (NFM). The National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy identified that more focus is needed to encourage property owners to ‘build back better’ after a flood. The campaign forms part of a commitment to help mainstream property flood resilience.

Be Flood Smart campaign. Image shows large raindrops falling. This image includes the Eye on Calderdale branding.

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