Apply for Natural Flood Management (NFM) Grant funding

The Calderdale NFM Grant Scheme provides funding for farmers and landowners to undertake Natural Flood Management measures on their land. Projects of all sizes are invited to apply for a range of activities, including; attenuation basins, leaky dams, tree and hedge planting, and woodland management.

Steps to apply

  1. Read the application guidance to check if you’re eligible to apply and to discover what help is available with your application.
  2. Complete the grant calculator, an application form and produce a map of your project (using the application guidance document for support).
  3. Consider the technical guidance to ensure you can deliver the NFM Activities to the required standard.
  4. Send your completed application to: [email protected].

The closing date for applications is Monday 24th March 2025.

Application guidance

This document explains who and what can be funded and gives information on application assistance available to you. It explains what to include with your application and how to ensure your project scores the best it can.

Technical guidance

This document details the descriptions and technical specifications of the natural flood management activities funded through this grant scheme.

Grant calculator

Once completed, the grant calculator will show the amount of money that you could be funded for undertaking an NFM project on your land. This should be submitted along with your application form and site map.

Application form

To apply, complete this application form and refer to the application and technical guidance documents for assistance.

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